Medieval Nicosia
The 300-page publication, Medieval Nicosia: The Osmosis capital from East to West, designed by appios® team and edited by Dr. Demetra Papanikola - Bakirtzi, is comprised of fourteen essays discussing aspects of the social, economical, institutional, cultural and everyday life of Nicosia under the reign of the Lusignan (1192-1489) and the subsequent Venetian rule (1489-1570).
Publishers: A. G. Leventis Foundation and the Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia.
“The publication includes over 250 colour and black and white images that directly reference the work of the authors, laid out in a gratuitous and minimal way.”
“The selection of the font Georgia reflects the classical character of the book, while contrasting the structural form of the font Neutraface – used as running head throughout.”